‘ MARYSVILLE, Oct. 25- Claude F. Hankins
was sentenced to-day, to 16yrs in’ San Quentin for the murder
of George B. Morse, a son of Detective Harry N.Morse of
San Francisco, on the Bolles farm near Marysville last July.
Judge McDanlel informed Hankins that by good behavior he can reduce the actual term to ten years. Counsel for the ‘defense made a strong effort to have the boy sent to reform school. The Judge considered the offense, to grave and opportunity to escape.
He said Hankins was too dangerous ‘to -take chances with.
Hankins is only 14 years old, but took his sentence, like a man.
He said he expected far worse and had figured the exact time ‘ he would be required to serve on 20yr sentence with credits deducted. Hawkins said he would preferred to go to San Quentln because it was nearer to his relatives in Alameda.